So aku sebenarnya guilty pasal aku lupa bila Saidi birthday. Aku tengah sakit wa, dari minggu lepas tidur sja. EPIC FAIL revision ku. Hahaha, chana aku kan masuk uni ni dgn attitude ani.
I think baik aku post dlm Eng sja, teruk BM aku ah.
You are adviced to pay close attention to the use of tenses, as in Present Tense and Past Tense, because it is important you understand the story I am about to tell in the way I want you to understand it.
If you guys haven't read my post about Yamin, you guys better because it will explain some of the things in this post.
Ping has known Saidi for: 6 years since 2003
First impression at that time: Rival! Rival! Rival! I hate him!
Possible reaction from my first reaction of Saidi: shock
Explanation: As people who know me will know, I display on my face what I really feel. So when I said I used to hate Saidi, it is true. Hahaha. Seriously I had never told anyone before this.
Do you guys remember the Write On! magazine? Please remember, because it has gone extinct in SMBerakas already.
Well, thing is, when I was in Form 1, I wrote a story for Write On, but it didn't get published. That should be the end of story but when I read the Write On, I felt really mad. My original story wasn't published but a modified version of Aladdin was. It was written by Saidi. At that time I was already writing stories like crazy and seriously considered becoming a writer. So I was seriously angry. And childishly (hahaha) I then started to hate him. Nobody knows this. Saidi didn't know he was hated by me until a month ago. His reaction: shock. Hahaha.
That was how I started hating him. I remember saying this to Yamin in Form 1 (I bet he has forgotten about this already): Saidi is a fake.
Yamin's response at that time: laugh
Well Yamin always laugh about things which are not funny la.
After that, I worked really hard in English (and also equally hard in IRK although I hated the subject) and tried to get myself to ace English. It was mission impossible because Azim (may he rest in peace) is a genius. It takes a genius to beat another and I am no genius.
Chapter Two: my misinterpretation of Saidi
After I decided I hate Saidi, I analysed his story in an EAS-like way. It was one of the craziest moments in my life. The story was ordinary, and written in a way a primary school student will write (Sorry Saidi! My ego at that time was over-inflated.) and to sum it up, other than the fact that it is a modified version of Aladdin, it wasn't special at all.
But my twisted ego at that time would not let it go and I managed to convinced myself this: There must be something special about this story, even though I can't see how special it is but I am not going to give up. Thinking back to the me in Form 1 was embarrassing, even for me. It was an unhealthy competition in the making.
In the end, I analysed Saidi's story for over two years. The story was so over-analysed the pages it was printed on in my copy of 2003 Write On was crinkled (I tore it out of Write On and crumpled it up into a ball, I was that angry), dirty and full of my handwriting in the margins (I actually took it upon myself to edit his story. Like the use of tenses and grammar and spelling and goodness know what else. I also wrote a lot of weird stuff like 'carrots will be nice here'. I had no idea what the hell I was thinking at that time).
Chapter Three: I won! ( my twisted ego was happy)
Finally, after being overly obsessed with Saidi's story, I wrote a story about a pair of fraternal twins being kidnapped by MIB (Men In Black) in Form 3. It got into Write On! My twisted ego was happy. I didn't write any stories in Form 2 because I was still in the crazed analyse-Saidi's-story mode. Thinking back, I have to laugh at myself.
Chapter Four: OMG. He actually isn't a bad person!
Then I got into 4Sci, the same class as Saidi.
To me, it was like a showdown. Me and Saidi wearing cowboy outfits and duelling in a desert, something like that. But don't get me wrong. I only hate him in English class. I know, I know. My ego was so twisted.
Then... (anticipating background music comes in) how many of you reading this post remembered the first time Ms Ann asked us to write a story?
I don't know how many of you do remember, but I remember it as clearly as if it just happened. We were given a paragraph to start the story with, and if memory serves me, it was this:
It was a dark night. Rain was coming down heavily and Henry was in his house, alone. Suddenly there came a knock on the door. He opened it and there, standing dripping in the doorway, was an old woman.
I then proceed to write a story about how the woman was a witch and she cursed this Henry guy for not letting her into his house and stay for the night. It was NOT original. I did what Saidi had done in Form 1; I modified a story I read. Only difference is, it was no Disney story but written by a Form 4 guy for Write On in 2005.
So, it was my way of getting back at Saidi, I think.
I was the first one to finish writing; adrenaline had done its job well. As the bell rang for the end of the lesson and my classmates were amazed I had finish that quickly, I glanced at Saidi. He hadn't finished his yet. It was then and there I realised this: my ego had turned me into a monster. I had viewed Saidi like he is the person who brought about the end of my world and I felt ashamed of myself.
And I stopped hating him.
The end...
So I stop hating Saidi after that but I do not live happily ever after. The reason: Yamin!
I remembered blogging this sentence in Form 4:
It's alright if Yamin gets the highest mark but it's NOT alright if Saidi gets the highest.
The rivalry still thrives to this day. Yamin is always at the top, with his nose high in the air; then comes me, trying desperately to maintain my second position in class.
Then it is Saidi, with his slightly weird handwriting and forever motivated no matter what.
I should have said this at the beginning of this post, but I'll say it now anyway:
Happy belated birthday, Saidi! I don't hate you! Let's work hard to get into a UK uni!
Now that is a happy ending!
Another crazy biography brought to you by Ping.